Category Engineering

Building Scalable Data Ingestion Pipelines at Quizizz

Introduction At Quizizz, we have been using MongoDB as our primary database and Google BigQuery as our analytics data warehouse. The ability to effectively sync data from MongoDB to BigQuery has played a vital role in driving product and business…

Kong and Quizizz

Our Journey of Building a Gateway Service

Introduction At Quizizz, our mission is to empower educators to engage learners to help improve their learning outcomes. A core part of our platform is the ability for teachers to conduct live gamified quizzes in classrooms. Since these activities are…

Spicing up the Authorization Layer at Quizizz

Introduction Here at Quizizz, we’ve been continuously improving our product and scaling our operations, serving an ever-growing number of teachers and schools globally. As our platform expanded, so did the complexity of our authorization needs, especially with the addition of…